
Greentown Utilities is committed to providing quality service to our customers. We try diligently to keep our plants, water mains, service lines, and sewer lines in good repair to cut down on any long-term down time.

Water Works

The Greentown Water Works will provide service, providing a water main is available, to each residence or business signing a connection contract with our office. This includes the service line leading to the meter, the meter pit, and the meter. The meter is the property of the water company and it is our responsibility to maintain it in proper working order, including the connections on both sides of the meter. Those customers having meters located inside the buildings or residences will be responsible for maintaining any line past the service valve coming off the main line. The resident should not attempt to remove the meter cover or tamper with the meter in any way. All lines, connections, and appliances connected after the meter or service valve are the complete responsibility of the property owner.

Shutoff Valve

It is the customers responsibility to have a main shut off valve that is in proper working order and accessible to the resident or tenant occupying the building. This valve is to be used in emergency situations to shut the water off in the building. The meter is not intended for this purpose.

Wastewater Works

The Greentown Wastewater Works will provide service to each residence or business signing a connection contract with our office. This service will include a sewer connection or “lateral” connection at each property line, providing a sewer main is available. It is the customer’s responsibility to install a lateral according to our specifications, and to maintain the lateral from the property line to the building and to provide a cleanout within 3 feet of the building.
For cleaning purposes, the customer is responsible to maintain the entire lateral from the building to the main. The Wastewater Company will only maintain physical problems in the right-of-way.


Any water that is registered on the water meter will be billed to the customer according to the account information on file in the Utility Office. All wastewater charges are based on the amount of water consumption and will be billed accordingly. Unmetered wastewater customers are billed on a flat rate as determined by the rate ordinance.

Storm Water

It is a violation of Ordinance #2010-2 to allow storm water to discharge into the sanitary collection system by connecting downspouts and sump pumps to a sanitary line. If installing perimeter drains and/or sump pits, these must be inspected by the Wastewater Department before backfilling is done to confirm that there are no connections to a sanitary sewer line.


You may call the Utility Office for emergency service between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. We also have an answering service that will contact an on duty service person after hours. A fee may be charged for repeat call outs.

Contact Info

Greentown Utilities
112 N. Meridian St, Greentown, IN 46936

Frequently Asked Questions

My bill is past due. Can I get an extension?

Please contact the utility office and a one-time extension will be extended to you for extenuating circumstances.

Why do I have a previous balance when I know I sent in my payment?

We may have received it after the due date or we may not have received it at all. Call the utility office and we will help you solve the problem.

Why is my water discolored?

A repair could have been completed recently allowing air to enter the line, causing the milky look.

What do I do if I am experiencing low pressure?

Call our office and report low pressure for your area.